The power supply system in healthcare and hospitals needs to be a good power system, withstand large capacity, standard equipment and must be regularly checked. Because if there is any small mistake, it will easily lead to extremely serious consequences not only about money but also human life. The same goes for the hospital’s electrical system, it is impossible to avoid problems such as short-circuiting, fire, etc. To solve it as quickly as possible, it is definitely impossible to bypass the UPS.
Dropouts & blackouts
Surges & overvoltages
Sags & undervoltages
Voltage oscillation
Burst transients
Power protection systems in medical institutions have higher standards than those for commercial or industrial use. We offers a large array of Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) designed to ensure organizations can protect their systems and applications by maintaining a consistent stream of energy, even under extreme circumstances. An uninterruptible power supply is an electrical apparatus that offers emergency power even when other sources of input power fail. These devices are different from a standby generator or an auxiliary or emergency power system in that, even in the event of a disruption to input power, a UPS will provide near-instantaneous protection in the form of energy stored in batteries.
A UPS is critical in the event of a power failure at a hospital or a health clinic— a nightmare scenario for patients, doctors, and families. Under most circumstances, a hospital losing power could be the difference between life and death for any number of patients who are reliant on its systems functioning at optimum levels.
Power problems may create operational or image quality issues with CT scanners, for example. MRI is one of the critical medical systems that required high quality power to operate and provide reliable and consistent imaging performance. A major power failure at a hospital could also open up the organization and its partners to legal scrutiny. Claims of negligence and wrongful death could potentially spiral into costly lawsuits, crippling the entire organization.